Call for Dramatic Translations at ALTA42

Call for Dramatic Translations at ALTA42

Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase and enjoy dramatic translations at ALTA42!

Theater asks audiences to engage the realities of others; this is a familiar task to literary translators. Yet there is a dearth of dramatic translation in this country. Have you seen a theatrical performance you wish were available in your language? Is there a playwright working in another language whose concerns you share? Are your friends abroad gushing about a hilarious new show? You put those characters on the page, and ALTA will get them to the stage! Building on last year’s “Authenticity vs. Performativity in Translating for the Stage” series, ALTA42 in Rochester, NY (November 7–10, 2019) will feature two sessions with staged readings of dramatic translations performed by local actors. If you’d like to see your dramatic translation brought to life, please submit a translation of no more than 25 pages (excerpts from longer works are fine), the original, and a brief query letter including confirmation of permission to translate the piece and short bios of both author and translator to by May 4th. We welcome translations into English, translations into other languages (including ASL), and hybrid works. Please note that you must commit to attending the ALTA conference, and this session, if your work is chosen.