Publisher Database

This is a database of publishers whose offerings regularly include works in translation. Please note, it is community-managed, and some entries may be out of date.
Publishers: To submit a new listing please complete the new publisher form. If you have changes or corrections to a listing, please send an update. Thank you!

Publisher Database

Displaying 401 - 500 of 623
Publication Formats Genre Translated Languages Publication countsort descending Accept unsolicited submissions Payments
Heinemann Publishing

Heinemann is a publisher of professional resources and a provider of educational services for teachers, kindergarten through college. We strive to give voice to those who share our respect for the professionalism and compassion of teachers and who support teachers’ efforts to help children become literate, empathetic, knowledgeable citizens.

Book, eBook NonFiction English, Spanish
Yes Pro: >0.15/word
Catholic University of America Press

The Catholic University of America Press publishes in the fields of history (ecclesiastical and secular), language and literature, philosophy, political theory, and theology. We have interdisciplinary emphases on early Christian studies and medieval studies. We publish works of original scholarship intended for academic libraries, scholars and other professionals and works that offer a synthesis of knowledge of the subject of interest to a general audience or suitable for use in college and university classrooms.

Book, eBook NonFiction English
Yes Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word, Pro: >0.15/word
Another Chicago Magazine
Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas (CCNY)
OR Books

OR Books is a new type of publishing compall. It embraces progressive change in politics, culture and the way we do business.
Our list is highly selective: we publish just one or two books a month, combining established authors with new discoveries.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction English
No Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word, Pro: >0.15/word
Asymptote Journal
Infinity Publishing

Infinity Publishing provides you with the easiest and most comprehensive self-publishing experience.

Book, eBook Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction, Drama, Graphic Lit English
University of Virginia Press

THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA PRESS was founded in 1963 to advance the intellectual interests not only of the University of Virginia, but of institutions of higher learning throughout the state. A member of the Association of American University Presses, UVaP currently publishes fifty to sixty new titles annually. New titles are approved by the Board of Directors after a rigorous process of peer review. The UVaP editorial program focuses primarily on the humanities and social sciences with special concentrations in American history, African American studies, southern studies, literature, ecocriticism, and regional books. While it continuously pursues new titles, UVaP also maintains a backlist of over 1,000 titles in print.

Book NonFiction, Fiction, Poetry English
Yes Unknown
Copper Beech Press


No None
Lothlorien Poetry Journal
Springer Publisher
Paulist Press

Striving to stand at the intersection of faith and culture, Paulist Press is committed to publishing quality materials that: bring the good news of the Gospel to Catholics and people of other religious traditions; support dialogue and welcome good scholarship and religious wisdom from all sources across denominational boundaries; foster religious values and wholeness in society, especially through materials promoting healing, reconciliation, and personal growth.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word

Vintage Books was founded in 1954 by Alfred A. Knopf as a trade paperback home to its authors. Its publishing list includes a wide range, from the most influential works of world literature to cutting edge contemporary fiction and distinguished non-fiction. As the continuous publisher of important writers including William Faulkner, Vladimir Nabokov, Albert Camus, Ralph Ellison, Dashiell Hammett, William Styron, A.S. Byatt, Philip Roth, Toni Morrison, Ha Jin, Richard Ford, Cormac McCarthy, Alice Munro, Raymond Chandler, Orhan Pamuk, Dave Eggers, Robert Caro, Joseph Ellis, Haruki Murakami, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez it is today’s foremost trade paperback publisher.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction English
No Pro: >0.15/word
Poetry Foundation
Arion Press

Founded by Andrew Hoyem in 1974, the Arion Press publishes deluxe, limited-edition books, mall of them printed by letterpress, illustrated by prominent artists, and some accompanied by separate editions of original prints.

Fiction, Poetry, Drama English
REVIEW: Literature and Arts of the Americas
PM Press

PM Press was founded at the end of 2007 by a small collection of folks with decades of publishing, media, and organizing experience. PM Press co-conspirators have published and distributed hundreds of books, pamphlets, CDs, and DVDs. Members of PM have founded enduring book fairs, spearheaded victorious tenant organizing campaigns, and worked closely with bookstores, academic conferences, and even rock bands to deliver political and challenging ideas to all walks of life. We’re old enough to know what we’re doing and young enough to know what’s at stake.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
Mage Publishers, Inc.

Mage Publishers is an independent press founded in 1985. We publish books of Persian (Iranian) literature and culture in English.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry English
Yes Unknown
Xenos Books

Our mission, in the midst of the mass-media entertainment complex, is to join with other small publishers in trying to keep original literature alive.

Book Poetry, Fiction English
No Unknown
Three Rooms Press

Since 1993, Three Rooms Press has been a leading voice in publishing cut-the-edge creative, including novels, memoirs, poetry and art. Our ongoing source of inspiration is Dada predecessor Arthur Cravan, whose independent and truly original artistic vision serves as a guide for all we do.

Book, eBook Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
Consequence Forum
Bilingual Review Press

Bilingual Review Press publishes literary works, scholarship, and art books by or about U.S. Hispanics under the name Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe. We also produce the literary/scholarly journal Bilingual Review. Since its founding in 1973, Bilingual Review Press has been committed to publishing high-quality writing by both established and emerging writers. With almost 200 titles in our backlist, we publish books in English, Spanish, and bilingual format, although most of our books are written in English. In addition, classics of Chicana and Chicano literature are being kept available through the Press’s Clásicos Chicanos/Chicano Classics imprint.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry Spanish, English
Yes Contributor Copies
BEE Books
Rizzoli International Pub., Inc.

Today, Rizzoli in America is an integral part of its Italian parent compall, RCS Media Group. RCS arose from the merger of the venerable Rizzoli publishing house, founded in 1929, with the eminent Italian newspaper, Corriere della Sera, founded in 1876. Rizzoli New York began its publishing operation in 1974 and has become a leader in the fashion, interior design, culinary, art, architecture, and photography fields. Rizzoli’s Universe imprint was added in 1990 marking Rizzoli’s entrée into the pop-culture worlds of humor, beauty, sports, performing arts, and gay and alternative lifestyles. Universe also produces a highly successful calendar program. In 2008 a new imprint for the house was established called Skira Rizzoli, with the goal of expanding the compall’s presence in museum-related publishing, and in 2011, Rizzoli established Ex Libris, an imprint dedicated to publishing up-market literary fiction and nonfiction with a transatlantic character. In the United States and Canada, Rizzoli International Publications distributes the English-Language titles of distinguished French publisher Flammarion, Australian and English publisher Hardie Grant, and Italian publisher Skira, which is also part of RCS Libri, the book division of RCS Media Group.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
Francis Boutle Publishers
Green Integer

Essays, Manifestos, Statements, Speeches, Maxims, Epistles, Diaristic Jottings, Narratives, Natural histories, Poems, Plays, Performances, Ramblings, Revelations, and all such ephemera as may appear necessary to bring society into a slight tremolo of confusion and fright at least.

Book, Chapbook, eBook Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction, Drama English
Yes Unknown
Unicorn Press

Unicorn Press was founded in 1966 in Santa Barbara, CA, and in 1972, it moved to Greensboro, NC. By then, it was the sole responsibility of Al Brilliant, one of the three founders. Al was fortunate to have the cooperation and partnership of his spouse, the poet, novelist, and translator, Teo Savory (1907- 1989), who became Editor of the press while Al handled production and administration. During its first 46 years, Al has had the comradeship of forty young men and women who have joined in full-time, for two years or longer.

Book, Chapbook Poetry English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word
Istros Books
Nightboat Books

Nightboat Books, a nonprofit organization, seeks to develop audiences for writers whose work resists convention and transcends boundaries, by publishing books rich with poignancy, intelligence and risk.

Book Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word
Storm Cellar
Henry Holt and Co.

Henry Holt is one of the oldest publishers in the United States. The compall was founded in 1866 by Henry Holt and Frederick Leypoldt, who had emigrated to the United States from his home in Stuttgart eleven years earlier.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction English
No Pro: >0.15/word
University of Nevada Press

The University of Nevada Press, as mandated by the state legislature and the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education, publishes high-quality, deserving works that advance scholarly research, contribute to the understanding and appreciation of regional history and culture, and reach a wide range of academic and general readers. Publication is done in a fiscally responsible manner that reflects the highest editorial, design, and production standards. The good will of the public it serves (the citizens of the State of Nevada, readers, and authors) is the Press's most valuable asset.

Book, Print Journal NonFiction English
Cervena Barva Press

Cervena Barva Press was founded in April of 2005. The press solicits poetry, fiction, and plays from various writers around the world, and holds open contests regularly for its chapbooks, postcards, broadsides and full-length books. We publish writers who have a strong voice and who take risks with language.

Book, Chapbook Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction, Drama English
No Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word, Pro: >0.15/word
Artepoética Press
Orbis Books

Welcome to Orbis Books, leaders in religious publishing since 1970. We offer a wide range of books on prayer, spirituality, Catholic life, theology, mission and current affairs. The publishing arm of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, Orbis Books addresses a broad readership exploring the global dimensions of faith, inviting dialogue with diverse cultures and traditions, and serving the cause of reconciliation and peace.

Book, eBook NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
The American Journal of Poetry
Copper Callon Press

Copper Callon Press publishes extraordinary poetry from around the world to engage the imaginations and intellects of readers.

Book, eBook Poetry English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word, Pro: >0.15/word
Poetry International
AltaMira Press

Rowman & Littlefield is one of the largest and fastest-growing independent publishers and distributors in North America. Our strengths are: academic publishing in the humanities and social sciences, publishing goverment and official data, and educational publishing.

Book, eBook NonFiction English
Parallel Editions
Paycock Press

Gargoyle/Paycock Press has always been a scallywag magazine, a maverick magazine, a bit too academic for the underground and way too underground for the academics.

Book, eBook Poetry, Fiction English
Yes Unknown
La Presse Poetry

La Presse is an imprint of Fence Books and is dedicated to contemporary French poetry and hybrid-genre work translated by English-language poets. We're a nano-press; we publish one to three books a year. With our books, we hope to honor and extend the poetic friendship that has existed between France and the U.S. since at least the mid-19th century and has been particularly active since the 1960s.

Book Poetry English
Yes Contributor Copies
W.W. Norton

William Warder Norton’s aim was to publish “all book that could bring to the public the knowledge of our time.” The compall holds fast to this mission and continues to print the work of some of the world’s most influential voices.

Book Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction English
No Semi-Pro: <0.14/word, Pro: >0.15/word
The Nelligan Review
The Southampton Review
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

La Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana depende de la Vicerrectoría Académica y su labor se encamina a realizar todas las labores editoriales y de publicación de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Desde los años noventa cuenta con una plantilla de funcionarios especializados en la realización de proyectos editoriales (libros de investigación, libros institucionales, revistas académicas y libros de texto), en las labores de distribución, visibilización y en las tareas de comercialización de los mismos. Su sede se encuentra en el edificio Lutaima, en pleno corazón de la zona internacional de Bogotá (Cr 7 N 37-25, oficina 1301)

Book, Print Journal NonFiction Spanish
Yes Unknown
Magic Helicopter Press

"We are focused on publishing across platforms, mediums and ""the universe."" Our paper books are collectible art items, not unlike Dale Earnhardt commemorative plates. Our e-books are not paper books melted onto the screen but books aware of their digital space.

We also publish experimental multimedia projects: poetry videos and poetry video games. But we call them all books.

We are literature with feet—for open mics and reading tours—and fingers—for online workshops and collaborative projects. But we call it all live.

We are literature with a maypop for a rotor. We land on your head.

Magic Helicopter titles are distributed from our website and via Small Press Distribution. We also maintain close relationships with excellent indie bookstores and ventures across the country."

Book, eBook, Chapbook Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry English
Yes Unknown
Yale University Press

By publishing serious works that contribute to a global understanding of human affairs, Yale University Press aids in the discovery and dissemination of light and truth, lux et veritas, which is a central purpose of Yale University. The publications of the Press are books and other materials that further scholarly investigation, advance interdisciplinary inquiry, stimulate public debate, educate both within and outside the classroom, and enhance cultural life. In its commitment to increasing the range and vigor of intellectual pursuits within the university and elsewhere, Yale University Press continually extends its horizons to embody university publishing at its best.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction English
No Pro: >0.15/word
Tia Chucha Press

Tia Chucha Press is one of the country’s leading small cross-cultural presses for poetry, focused on socially engaged poetry work and literature that matters. Tia Chucha Press began in 1989 with the publication of Luis J. Rodriguez’s first book, the 13-poem collection “Poems Across the Pavement,” designed by Jane Brunette of Menominee/German/French descent, who has remained as TCP designer ever since. With Jane’s artistic skills for covers and inside pages, and Luis as founding editor, the press began publishing the best collections of the thriving Chicago poetry scene – home of the Poetry Slams – featuring poets such as Patricia Smith, David Hernandez, Michael Warr, Lisa Buscani, Tony Fitzpatrick, Cin Salach, Carlos Cumpian, Elizabeth Alexander, and more.

Chapbook, Book Poetry English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word
Latin American Theatre Review
Bitter Lemon Press

Under the Bitter Lemon Press imprint we aim to bring our readers high quality thrillers and other contemporary crime fiction books from abroad. We are dedicated to the crime genre and publish dark, sexy and often humorous novels that expose the seamier side of society. Our list includes talented authors from Continental Europe, Latin America, the US and New Zealand. Most of our books are translations that have won prizes and received critical acclaim in their home countries and we have introduced a number of celebrated crime and thriller writers whose works were not available before in English. In 2014 we launched a new imprint called Wilmington Square Books. It is a non-fiction list dedicated to writing about culture and society and includes works on the visual and plastic arts, literature, history, philosophy and travel. These are books chosen for their originality, their quality and their contribution to knowledge and to debate.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction English
Yes Contributor Copies
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Rowman & Littlefield is one of the largest and fastest-growing independent publishers and distributors in North America.

Book NonFiction English
Yes Pro: >0.15/word, Contributor Copies
MIT Press

The MIT Press is the only university press in the United States whose list is based in science and technology. This does not mean that science and engineering are all we publish, but it does mean that we are committed to the edges and frontiers of the world—to exploring new fields and new modes of inquiry. (For a time we described our publishing program as chasing "The Moving Frontier," but we've moved beyond even that.) We publish about 200 new books a year and over 30 journals. We are a major publishing presence in fields as diverse as architecture, social theory, economics, cognitive science, and computational science, and we have a long-term commitment to both design excellence and the efficient and creative use of new technologies. Our goal is to create books and journals that are challenging, creative, attractive, and yet affordable to individual readers.

Book, Print Journal NonFiction English
Yes Pro: >0.15/word, Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word
Border Senses
Green Lantern Press

Founded in 2005, The Green Lantern Press is an artist-run, nonprofit organization dedicated to the production, integration, and dissemination of contemporary art, literature, and philosophy. Head quartered at Sector 2337, the press produces noncommercial works: experimental art exhibits, critical print publications, and free public programs that facilitate the growth and development of select artist projects, while engaging the surrounding community. In a world where the humanities must often defend themselves, The Green Lantern Press offers intimate examples of creative thought, demonstrating the value of artistic and intellectual pursuits in the public sphere.

Book, Chapbook Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction English
Yes Contributor Copies
University of Alabama Press

As the scholarly publishing arm of the university, The University of Alabama Press serves as an agent in the advancement of learning and the dissemination of scholarship. The Press applies the highest standards to all phases of publishing including acquisitions, editorial, production, and marketing. An editorial board comprised of representatives from all doctoral-degree-granting public universities within Alabama oversees the publishing program. Projects are selected that support, extend, and preserve academic research. The Press also publishes books that foster an understanding of the history and culture of this state and region. The Press publishes in a variety of formats, both print and electronic, and uses short-run technologies to ensure that the works are widely available.

Book, eBook, Print Journal NonFiction English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word
Broken Jaw Press

Broken Jaw Press Inc. is a self-distributing independent publisher based in Fredericton, New Brunswick since 1990. Founded in the winter of 1984, we have been publishing books, chapbooks, zines and other mostly literary items since 1985.

Book, Chapbook Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry English
No Contributor Copies
Harvard Review
Small Stations Press

We aim to publish quality literature in the original language or in translation. Our series are: Small Stations Essay, Small Stations Fiction, Small Stations Poetry (these three aimed primarily at contemporary literature), Galician Classics (classics of Galician literature in English) and Galician Wave (Galician young adult fiction in English).

Book Fiction, Poetry English, Bulgarian
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word
NOÖ Journal

"We are focused on publishing across platforms, mediums and ""the universe."" Our paper books are collectible art items, not unlike Dale Earnhardt commemorative plates. Our e-books are not paper books melted onto the screen but books aware of their digital space. We also publish experimental multimedia projects: poetry videos and poetry video games. But we call them all books. We are literature with feet—for open mics and reading tours—and fingers—for online workshops and collaborative projects. But we call it all live. We are literature with a maypop for a rotor. We land on your head. Magic Helicopter titles are distributed from our website and via Small Press Distribution. We also maintain close relationships with excellent indie bookstores and ventures across the country."

Print Journal Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry English
Yes Contributor Copies
Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art
Heritage House Publishing

Heritage House publishes 20-30 new titles per year. Most of our authors are Canadian citizens or residents, as our mission is to publish and promote distinctive non-fiction works by Canadian authors.

Book, eBook NonFiction, Fiction English, French
Yes Unknown
University of New Mexico Press

Established in 1929 by the Regents of the University of New Mexico, UNM Press is a well-known and respected publisher in the fields of anthropology, archaeology, indigenous studies, Latin American studies, American studies, Chicana/o studies, art, architecture, and the history, literature, ecology, and cultures of the American West. The Press imprint is overseen by a faculty committee, whose twelve members are appointed by the Faculty Senate to represent a broad spectrum of university departments.

Book, eBook NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
Chelsea Editions

Chelsea Editions has been created with a single purpose—to present the work of important modern and contemporary Italian poets in handsomely produced volumes with facing English versions by award-winning translators. This project fulfills the decades-long dream of the editor to provide an outlet for Italian poetry, neglected by the large presses and by most of the small ones as well.

Book, Chapbook Poetry Italian, English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word, Pro: >0.15/word
Valparaíso Ediciones
Black Sun Lit
Orison Books

Orison Books seeks to publish spiritually-engaged poetry, fiction, and non-fiction of exceptional literary merit. In our view, spiritual writing has little to do with subject matter. Rather, the kind of work we seek to publish has a transcendent aesthetic effect on the reader, and reading it can itself be a spiritual experience. Such work is not merely about spiritual contemplation, but itself leads the reader into profound contemplation. It is not merely about the sublime, but itself has a sublime effect on the reader. It is not merely about the mystery of being, but itself heightens the reader’s sense of the mystery underlying the fabric of our daily lives.

Book, eBook Poetry, Fiction English
Yes Token: <0.01/word, Contributor Copies, Unknown
Taos Journal of Poetry and Art
University of Wisconsin Press

Since its first book appeared in 1937, the Press has published and distributed more than 3000 titles. We have more than 1400 titles currently in print, including books of general interest (biography, fiction, natural history, poetry, photography, fishing, food, travel, etc.), scholarly books (American studies, anthropology, art, classics, environmental studies, ethnic studies, film, gay & lesbian studies, history, Jewish studies, literary criticism, Slavic studies, etc.), and regional books about Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest. We publish and distribute new books each year in these fields.

Book, Print Journal Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry English
Yes Token: <0.01/word, Contributor Copies, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word
Corona Publishing Compall

Joe Labatt returned home from the bustling publishing scene of New York with the intent one day of putting his experience and talent to work for Texas authors and his fellow South Texas lovers of literature. And that's just what he's done since he took the reins of Corona Publishing in 1997. Working with Texas authors and local institutions like the San Antonio Express-News, Labatt has brought the finest in Texas fiction and nonfiction to both regional and national audiences.

Book Fiction, NonFiction English
No None
Veliz Books
Alternative Book Press

Alternative Book Press is a new publishing compall established in October 2012 by Columbia University and Cornell University graduates with the following aim in view: To identify and publish genuine, pathbreaking works reflecting alternative viewpoints far away from the huge volumes of matter in publishing today. Works that stand out. Works that are not written primarily from the point of view of sales, but rather works that will be seen 50 or 100 years from now as of lasting import.

Book Fiction, NonFiction English
Lunch Ticket
Pecan Grove Press

The press publishes books and chapbooks of fine poetry and, very rarely, short works of prose. PGP also publishes a regular chapbook series for students at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas.

Book, Chapbook Poetry, Fiction English
Yes None
Wake Forest University Press

Established in 1976 by Professor Dillon Johnston, with the support of Provost Edwin Wilson and the university administration, Wake Forest University Press is the premier publisher of Irish poetry in North America.

Book, Chapbook Poetry English
Yes Unknown
Gads Forlag
Poor Claudia

Poor Claudia annually publishes perfect-bound books (Signature & Folio), large format reprints (Timeworm), as well as hypertext through our online series Crush, Phenome and 10 Sources. We primarily publish poetry from both established and emerging writers, but accept literary art in various forms/genres.

Book, Chapbook, eBook Poetry, Fiction English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word
Marion Boyars Pub., Inc.

Renowned for publishing adventurous and occasionally controversial fiction and non-fiction, especially in translation, our best known authors include Ken Kesey, Hubert Selby Jr, Kenzaburo Oe, Ivan Illich and Georges Bataille.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction English
No Unknown
Yellow Moon Press

It is our goal to explore the traditions of storytelling, poetry & music as well as breath new life into them.

Book Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction English, Spanish
No Unknown
Timber Press

Our mission is to share the wonders of the natural world by publishing books from experts in the fields of gardening, horticulture, and natural history.

Book, eBook NonFiction English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word
SAND Journal
Tinfish Press

Tinfish Press was founded in 1995; we publish experimental poetry (and some prose) from the Pacific.

Chapbook, Book, eBook Poetry, NonFiction, Fiction English
No Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word
New Verse Review
Bitter Oleander Press

We publish well-known, little known and unknown poets and writers side by side. Published in English, most if not all of our translations include their originals. We demand a serious poetry. A poetry devoid of clichés and predictable twists of well-worn or entrenched truths. We prefer a heightened music driven by a profound linguistic rhythm.

Book, Print Journal, Chapbook Poetry English
Yes Contributor Copies
Catamaran Literary Reader
Rutgers University Press

Rutgers University Press is dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge to scholars, students, and the general reading public. The Press reflects and extends the University’s core mission of research, instruction, and service. We enhance the work of our authors through exceptional publications that shape critical issues, spark debate, and enrich teaching throughout the world for a wide range of readers.

Book, eBook NonFiction English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word
Modern Language Association of America

In addition to hosting an annualconventionand sustaining one of the finest publishing programs in the humanities, the MLA is a leading advocate for the study and teaching of languages and literatures and serves as a clearinghouse for professional resources for teachers and scholars. Visit the sections below to find out more about the MLA’s mission and governance or how to get in touch with us.

Book, Print Journal NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
McFarland & Company
Greenfield Review Press

The Greenfield Review Press published its first book, a collection of inmate poems smuggled out of Soledad Prison, in 1971. Since then, our press has been a home for a great diversity of voices, including but not limited to African, African American, Arab American, Asian American, American Indian, Caribbean and Chicano poets and fiction writers. We were a multicultural publisher before the term gained wide currency, although we define "multicultural" as inclusive of all cultures not just those neglected in the past.

Book, Chapbook Poetry, Fiction English, Native American Languages
No Contributor Copies
University of Alberta Press

The University of Alberta Press publishes works by established and emerging Canadian and international authors whose scholarship enlightens our society, engages communities, and challenges boundaries. We focus on materials for scholars, citizens, and policy makers concerned with prairie, mountain, and circumpolar histories and cultures; First Nations, Métis, and Inuit studies; literary and cultural studies; environmental studies; and Petrocultures.

Book, eBook NonFiction, Fiction, Poetry English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word
Brooding Heron Press

We have been publishing letterpress books of poetry since 1982 (books by Gary Snyder, Denise Levertov, James Laughlin, Hayden Carruth, Donald Hall, John Haines, Pattiann Rogers, etc.). We live on an isolated island off the Washington coast in a log house we built ourselves. We have a C&P, a small Vandercook proof press, a little tabletop Adana, and a large flatbed Challenge. Besides the print shop (which occupies a third of the main floor of the house), we have a bookbindery complete with Challenge paper cutter, a floor model board shears, and two nipping presses. We’ve been off the grid for 29 years. What power we have comes from solar panels. Sally is the printer; Sam (who also served as the inaugural poet laureate of Washington) is the resident bookbinder.

Book, Chapbook Poetry English
Yes Contributor Copies
The Shoutflower
Smith and Kraus Publishers

Smith and Kraus Publishers, founded in 1990 by Marisa Smith and Eric Kraus, is the premier U. S. publisher of contemporary trade theater books and associated digital resources. Currently S&K boasts over 600 titles in print, a sophisticated monologue app with 4000+ entries (more added monthly), and a plan to complete the conversion of all print books to e-book format and be on all major e-book platforms by year’s end. New projects well under way, include Productions In Print (PIP) and Playwrights In An Hour (PIAH). Negotiations are underway for S&K to partner with Kanjy, a forward looking, interactive platform, designed to facilitate communication between playwrights, producers and other interested parties. We are the leading source for books about theater—from collections of monologues and scenes for use in class or at auditions, to contemporary and classic play collections, to acting technique and career resource titles. In addition, we have a substantial list of books for children and teachers.

Book Drama, NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
Northeastern University Press

Northeastern University Press brings its distinctive strengths in the humanities and the social sciences, as well as in African-American and women's literature, and books for the broader public about Boston and New England.

Book, eBook NonFiction English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word
The University of Alabama Press
Hippocrene Books

Over the last forty years, Hippocrene Books has become one of America’s foremost publishers of foreign language reference books and ethnic cookbooks. As a small publishing house in a marketplace dominated by conglomerates, Hippocrene has succeeded by continually reinventing its list while maintaining a strong international and ethnic orientation.

Book, eBook NonFiction
Yes Pro: >0.15/word
University of New Orleans Press

University of New Orleans Center for the Book seeks work that contributes to the rich cultural tradition of New Orleans and the surrounding region, as well as work that contributes to the intellectual and aesthetic life of academic and general audiences everywhere.

Book, eBook Poetry, NonFiction English
Yes Token: <0.01/word, Contributor Copies, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word
