Publisher Database

This is a database of publishers whose offerings regularly include works in translation. Please note, it is community-managed, and some entries may be out of date.
Publishers: To submit a new listing please complete the new publisher form. If you have changes or corrections to a listing, please send an update. Thank you!

Publisher Database

Displaying 601 - 630 of 630
Publication Formats Genre Translated Languages Publication count Accept unsolicited submissionssort descending Payments
University of Georgia Press

Since its founding in 1938, the primary mission of the University of Georgia Press has been to support and enhance the University’s place as a major research institution by publishing outstanding works of scholarship and literature by scholars and writers throughout the world. The University of Georgia Press is the oldest and largest book publisher in the state. We currently publish 60-70 new books a year and have a long history of publishing significant scholarship, creative and literary works, and books about the state and the region for general readers.

Book, Print Journal Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry English
Yes Unknown

Graywolf Press is a leading independent publisher committed to the discovery and energetic publication of contemporary American and international literature. We champion outstanding writers at all stages of their careers to ensure that diverse voices can be heard in a crowded marketplace. We believe books that nourish the individual spirit and enrich the broader culture must be supported by attentive editing, superior design, and creative promotion.

Book Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
Bordighera Press

Bordighera Press publishes literature and poetry by and about Italian and Italian-American authors. Mall of our titles are consistently utilized in university courses, and the journal VIA:Voices in Italian Americana is subscribed to by more than fifty university libraries in the United States and Canada. Bordighera Press continues to reflect the most current nuances in the literary world. The press was founded in 1989 by Fred Gardaphé, Paolo Giordano, and Anthony Juilan Tamburri.

Book Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction Italian, English
Yes Unknown
Small Beer Press

Since 2001, Small Beer Press has published satisfying and surreal novels and short story collections by award-winning writers and exciting talents whose names you may never have heard, but whose work you'll never be able to forget. And a zine. Although that was started in 1996. Hope that doesn't mess up the nice and neat timeline above.

Book Fiction, NonFiction English
Yes Token: <0.01/word, Contributor Copies, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word
New York University Press

Making common cause with the best and the brightest, the great and the good, NYU Press aspires to nothing less than the transformation of the intellectual and cultural landscape. Infused with the conviction that the ideas of the academy matter, we foster knowledge that resonates within and beyond the walls of the university.

Book, Print Journal, eBook NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
University of Pittsburgh Press

The University of Pittsburgh Press is a scholarly publisher with distinguished books in several academic areas and in poetry and short fiction, as well as books about Pittsburgh and western Pennsylvania for general readers, scholars, and students.

Chapbook Poetry English
Yes Token: <0.01/word, Contributor Copies
Heinemann Publishing

Heinemann is a publisher of professional resources and a provider of educational services for teachers, kindergarten through college. We strive to give voice to those who share our respect for the professionalism and compassion of teachers and who support teachers’ efforts to help children become literate, empathetic, knowledgeable citizens.

Book, eBook NonFiction English, Spanish
Yes Pro: >0.15/word
Catholic University of America Press

The Catholic University of America Press publishes in the fields of history (ecclesiastical and secular), language and literature, philosophy, political theory, and theology. We have interdisciplinary emphases on early Christian studies and medieval studies. We publish works of original scholarship intended for academic libraries, scholars and other professionals and works that offer a synthesis of knowledge of the subject of interest to a general audience or suitable for use in college and university classrooms.

Book, eBook NonFiction English
Yes Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word, Pro: >0.15/word
University Press of Virginia Book NonFiction English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word
Infinity Publishing

Infinity Publishing provides you with the easiest and most comprehensive self-publishing experience.

Book, eBook Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction, Drama, Graphic Lit English
Syracuse University Press

Since its inception, Syracuse University Press has been committed to serving scholars and scholarship, promoting a diverse cultural and intellectual expression, and preserving the history, literature, and culture of our region. Through the publication of significant and groundbreaking books, we have been able to extend the reach and influence of Syracuse University, making evident the university’s commitment to knowledge and ideas.

Book, eBook Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word
Copper Callon Press

Copper Callon Press publishes extraordinary poetry from around the world to engage the imaginations and intellects of readers.

Book, eBook Poetry English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word, Pro: >0.15/word
Paycock Press

Gargoyle/Paycock Press has always been a scallywag magazine, a maverick magazine, a bit too academic for the underground and way too underground for the academics.

Book, eBook Poetry, Fiction English
Yes Unknown
West End Press

The idea of people’s culture has a long and colorful history in the United States. Some of it originated in poetry and song—including the works of Walt Whitman and Carl Sandburg. The Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W. or “Wobblies”) carried culture around the country as they “rode the rails.” American populism emerged from farmer-labor politics of the Middle West in the early 20th century. Novels such as The Grapes of Wrath grew out of the Great Depression in the 1930s. Later came the People’s Songs movement, with Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, and Paul Robeson. West End Press formed in 1976 with the support of Meridel Le Sueur, one of the leading figures in the people’s culture movement from the 1930s. She believed that an alliance of working people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds represented the hope of America. Her stories and novels, full of distinctly human gestures and deeds, reflected the aspirations of the American underclass as the true genius of the nation. Our task, she believed, was to represent these voices.

Book, eBook, Chapbook Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
La Presse Poetry

La Presse is an imprint of Fence Books and is dedicated to contemporary French poetry and hybrid-genre work translated by English-language poets. We're a nano-press; we publish one to three books a year. With our books, we hope to honor and extend the poetic friendship that has existed between France and the U.S. since at least the mid-19th century and has been particularly active since the 1960s.

Book Poetry English
Yes Contributor Copies
The Overlook Press

The Overlook Press is an independent general-interest publisher, founded in 1971. The publishing program consists of approximately 100 new books per year, roughly divided between hardcovers and trade paperbacks. The list is eclectic, with areas of strength in fiction, history, biography, drama, design, and other visual media.

Book, eBook Drama, Fiction English
Yes Unknown
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

La Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana depende de la Vicerrectoría Académica y su labor se encamina a realizar todas las labores editoriales y de publicación de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Desde los años noventa cuenta con una plantilla de funcionarios especializados en la realización de proyectos editoriales (libros de investigación, libros institucionales, revistas académicas y libros de texto), en las labores de distribución, visibilización y en las tareas de comercialización de los mismos. Su sede se encuentra en el edificio Lutaima, en pleno corazón de la zona internacional de Bogotá (Cr 7 N 37-25, oficina 1301)

Book, Print Journal NonFiction Spanish
Yes Unknown
Magic Helicopter Press

"We are focused on publishing across platforms, mediums and ""the universe."" Our paper books are collectible art items, not unlike Dale Earnhardt commemorative plates. Our e-books are not paper books melted onto the screen but books aware of their digital space.

We also publish experimental multimedia projects: poetry videos and poetry video games. But we call them all books.

We are literature with feet—for open mics and reading tours—and fingers—for online workshops and collaborative projects. But we call it all live.

We are literature with a maypop for a rotor. We land on your head.

Magic Helicopter titles are distributed from our website and via Small Press Distribution. We also maintain close relationships with excellent indie bookstores and ventures across the country."

Book, eBook, Chapbook Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry English
Yes Unknown
Tsar Publications [Mawenzi House]

Mawenzi House is dedicated to bringing to the reading public fresh new writing from Canada and across the world that reflects the diversity of our rapidly globalizing world, particularly in Canada and the United States. Our focus is on works that can loosely be termed "multicultural" and particularly those that pertain to Asia and Africa. We publish 6-8 titles of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction (literary criticism, history) per year.

Book, eBook Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
Excelsior ReView

The Excelsior ReView is an online art and literature publication showcasing the artistic talents of Excelsior College's creative global community. The magazine is produced by a dedicated staff of Excelsior volunteers. Contributing artists have included applying and enrolled students, alumni, active military, veterans, faculty, and staff.

Print Journal Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction English
Yes Contributor Copies
Bilingual Review Press

Bilingual Review Press publishes literary works, scholarship, and art books by or about U.S. Hispanics under the name Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe. We also produce the literary/scholarly journal Bilingual Review. Since its founding in 1973, Bilingual Review Press has been committed to publishing high-quality writing by both established and emerging writers. With almost 200 titles in our backlist, we publish books in English, Spanish, and bilingual format, although most of our books are written in English. In addition, classics of Chicana and Chicano literature are being kept available through the Press’s Clásicos Chicanos/Chicano Classics imprint.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry Spanish, English
Yes Contributor Copies
Rizzoli International Pub., Inc.

Today, Rizzoli in America is an integral part of its Italian parent compall, RCS Media Group. RCS arose from the merger of the venerable Rizzoli publishing house, founded in 1929, with the eminent Italian newspaper, Corriere della Sera, founded in 1876. Rizzoli New York began its publishing operation in 1974 and has become a leader in the fashion, interior design, culinary, art, architecture, and photography fields. Rizzoli’s Universe imprint was added in 1990 marking Rizzoli’s entrée into the pop-culture worlds of humor, beauty, sports, performing arts, and gay and alternative lifestyles. Universe also produces a highly successful calendar program. In 2008 a new imprint for the house was established called Skira Rizzoli, with the goal of expanding the compall’s presence in museum-related publishing, and in 2011, Rizzoli established Ex Libris, an imprint dedicated to publishing up-market literary fiction and nonfiction with a transatlantic character. In the United States and Canada, Rizzoli International Publications distributes the English-Language titles of distinguished French publisher Flammarion, Australian and English publisher Hardie Grant, and Italian publisher Skira, which is also part of RCS Libri, the book division of RCS Media Group.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
University of Hawai‘i Press

The University of Hawai`i Press supports the mission of the university through the publication of books and journals of exceptional merit. It strives to advance knowledge through the dissemination of scholarship—new information, interpretations, methods of analysis—with a primary focus on Asian, Pacific, Hawaiian, Asian American, and global studies. It also serves the public interest by providing high-quality books and resource materials of educational value on topics related to Hawai’i’s people, culture, and natural environment. Through its publications the Press seeks to stimulate public debate and educate both within and outside the classroom.

Book, Print Journal, eBook NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
Green Integer

Essays, Manifestos, Statements, Speeches, Maxims, Epistles, Diaristic Jottings, Narratives, Natural histories, Poems, Plays, Performances, Ramblings, Revelations, and all such ephemera as may appear necessary to bring society into a slight tremolo of confusion and fright at least.

Book, Chapbook, eBook Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction, Drama English
Yes Unknown
Branden Books Publishing

since 1909 Branden Books has been publishing award winning books and reference materials.

Book, eBook Fiction, NonFiction English
Yes Semi-Pro: <0.14/word
Small Po[r]tions

We publish work that minimizes, blurs, or exaggerates distinctions between genres and offer a shared space for experimental creative fiction and nonfiction, lyrical fiction, experimental poetry, and multimedia pieces. Small Po[r]tions issues have a print component with a focus on book arts and an online component featuring selections from the print issue along with media work.

Print Journal Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction English
Yes Contributor Copies
Nightboat Books

Nightboat Books, a nonprofit organization, seeks to develop audiences for writers whose work resists convention and transcends boundaries, by publishing books rich with poignancy, intelligence and risk.

Book Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction English
Yes Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word
University of Rochester Press

Founded in 1989 as a unique collaboration between the University of Rochester and British academic publisher Boydell & Brewer, Ltd., the University of Rochester Press publishes books of high intellectual merit that reflect selected strengths of the university and contribute to scholarly dialogue in specific subject areas. The press sees as its mission the dissemination of scholarship to the academic community and to thoughtful general readers, particularly in the fields of musicology and music theory, African studies, European history, and the history of medicine. All manuscripts chosen for consideration by the press are rigorously peer-reviewed and brought before its editorial board for approval. We acquire and select projects—specialized monographs and contributed volumes—that fortify our established series, and that add meaningfully to the store of knowledge in these and related disciplines.

Book, eBook NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
Orbis Books

Welcome to Orbis Books, leaders in religious publishing since 1970. We offer a wide range of books on prayer, spirituality, Catholic life, theology, mission and current affairs. The publishing arm of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, Orbis Books addresses a broad readership exploring the global dimensions of faith, inviting dialogue with diverse cultures and traditions, and serving the cause of reconciliation and peace.

Book, eBook NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
Interlink Publishing

Interlink Books publishes a general trade list of adult fiction and non-fiction with an emphasis on books that have a wide appeal while also meeting high intellectual and literary standards.

Book Fiction, NonFiction English
Yes Unknown
