Mexico City Lit Una de esas iniciativas es Mexico City Lit, diseñada para co-optar “lit” mexicana emergente. Como es usual, escritores mexicanos, por descuido, intermediarios o promoción, aceptan ser link, traducción, publicidad. Promocionan por redes y webs y “apoyan” proyectos o figuras para cooptarlas (se den cuenta o no).
Book, eBook, Chapbook, Online Journal |
Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry |
English, Spanish |
No |
None |
Mexico City Lit |
Drama, Graphic Lit, Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction, Essay, Review |
Mica Press |
Micah Publications "Micah Publications is run by us, Bob and Roberta Kalechofsky. The books we write and the books we publish are our communication with the world, up front and personal. Our slogan: “Judaism and Vegetarianism go together naturally.” We also write on various other subjects including fiction.
Book, eBook |
NonFiction, Fiction |
English |
No |
Unknown |
Michigan State University Press Michigan State University Press is the scholarly publishing arm of historic Michigan State University (1855), the nation’s pioneer land-grant university and the prototype for the institutions established under the Morrill Act of 1862. Although a formal Press was not established at MSU until the mid-20th century, scholarly publishing was an important part of the institution’s mission from early on; significant and influential technical publications were regularly issued from the colleges as early as the mid 1870s. Since its founding in 1947, the mission of the Michigan State University Press has been to be a catalyst for positive intellectual, social, and technological change through the publication of research and intellectual inquiry, making significant contributions to scholarship in the arts, humanities, sciences, and social sciences.
Book, Print Journal |
Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction |
English |
No |
Unknown |
Milkweed Milkweed Editions is a nonprofit literary press, publishing between fifteen and twenty books each year. Founded in 1980, we have published nearly three hundred titles and are committed to attracting and retaining outstanding writers whose work is of enduring value. Our mission is to identify, nurture and publish transformative literature, and build an engaged community around it.
Book |
Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction |
English |
40 |
Yes |
Unknown |
Minnesota Historical Society Press The Minnesota Historical Society Press publishes books on the history, art, and culture of the Upper Midwest. Founded in 1851, it is the oldest publisher in the state and the largest historical society press in the country. We seek to publish books for a broad audience of general readers and specialists. Understanding that where we come from is crucial to who we are, the press publishes books that explore the importance of place in this rich and varied region we call home.
Book |
Fiction, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Minotaur Books Minotaur, one of the most awarded and respected imprints of crime fiction and mysteries, claims the broadest list of all American crime fiction publisher with 130-140 new hardcover titles published each year, covering all the subgenres of the category. Minotaur also publishes up to 100 titles in paperback a year.
Book |
Fiction |
English |
18 |
No |
Pro: >0.15/word |
MIT Press The MIT Press is the only university press in the United States whose list is based in science and technology. This does not mean that science and engineering are all we publish, but it does mean that we are committed to the edges and frontiers of the world—to exploring new fields and new modes of inquiry. (For a time we described our publishing program as chasing "The Moving Frontier," but we've moved beyond even that.) We publish about 200 new books a year and over 30 journals. We are a major publishing presence in fields as diverse as architecture, social theory, economics, cognitive science, and computational science, and we have a long-term commitment to both design excellence and the efficient and creative use of new technologies. Our goal is to create books and journals that are challenging, creative, attractive, and yet affordable to individual readers.
Book, Print Journal |
NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Pro: >0.15/word, Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word |
Modern Language Association of America In addition to hosting an annualconventionand sustaining one of the finest publishing programs in the humanities, the MLA is a leading advocate for the study and teaching of languages and literatures and serves as a clearinghouse for professional resources for teachers and scholars. Visit the sections below to find out more about the MLA’s mission and governance or how to get in touch with us.
Book, Print Journal |
NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Molossus molossus was founded by david shook as an online broadside of world literature in 2010, joined shortly thereafter by creative director brian hewes. today it serves as the online magazine of phoneme media, a not-for-profit publishing and film production house for world literature in translation. molossus accepts unsolicited submissions by email year round, and review copies at the address below, although unsolicited receipt does not guarantee review coverage.
Poetry, NonFiction, Fiction |
English |
Yes |
None |
Monthly Review Press In May 1949 Monthly Review began publication in New York City, as cold war hysteria gathered force in the United States. The first issue featured the lead article Why Socialism? by Albert Einstein. From the first Monthly Review spoke for socialism and against U.S. imperialism, and is still doing so today. From the first Monthly Review was independent of all political organization, and is still so today. The McCarthy era inquisition targeted Monthly Review's original editors Paul Sweezy and Leo Huberman, who fought back successfully. In the subsequent global upsurge against capitalism, imperialism and the commodification of life (in shorthand “1968”) Monthly Review played a global role. A generation of activists received no small part of their education as subscribers to the magazine and readers of Monthly Review Press books. In the intervening years of counter-revolution, Monthly Review has kept a steady viewpoint. That point of view is the heartfelt attempt to frame the issues of the day with one set of interests foremost in mind: those of the great majority of humankind, the propertyless.
NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Mosaic Press Broadway Musicals, Erotic fiction, Chinese Military Theory…welcome to the fascinating mosaic that is Mosaic Press. We are all about variety, diversity and passion. Our publishing programme focuses on four major areas: Literature, including fiction, short fiction and poetry; The Arts, including Theater, Art, Architecture and Music; Social Studies and International Studies. - See more at:
Book |
Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction, Drama |
English |
20 |
Yes |
Unknown |
Mouthfeel Press |
Moving Parts Press Moving Parts Press publishes handsome and innovative books, broadsides and prints under the direction of Felicia Rice. These editions of new literature, works in translation, and contemporary art explore the relationship of word and image, typography and the visual arts, the fine arts and popular culture.
Chapbook |
Poetry, Fiction |
English, Spanish |
No |
Unknown |
Mr. Cogito Press After a few years of sleep Mr. Cogito has returned to life. He had lived for more than twenty years. His model was the great Polish poet Zbigniew Herbert. Now we are looking once again for poems that have strength of image, sound, concept and feeling -- poems that also relate to the social realities of the poet's time and place.
Chapbook |
Poetry |
English |
Yes |
None |
We publish quality fiction and nonfiction that connects global readers with greater China’s authors and ideas, leveraging the unique resources of our home in Hong Kong. We publish bilingual, translated, and original English works, enabling both Western and Chinese readers to explore the cultural corners of greater China. Muse is a digital pioneer, using a variety of print and digital formats to present our authors’ ideas. We believe that digital media and the internet will play the central role in the way stories are told, and the way writers and readers interact. As the internet removes distribution bottlenecks, we are making global literature accessible to new audiences.
Book, eBook |
NonFiction, Fiction, Graphic Lit, Poetry, Drama |
Chinese, English |
No |
Unknown |
National Translation Month |
New American Press New American Press seeks to publish new and innovative fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and translations.
Book, eBook, Online Journal |
Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction, Drama |
English |
Yes |
Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word |
New Directions Interested in issuing influential foreign writers in translation, (often in bilingual editions), New Directions has been largely responsible for America's interest in Céline, André Gide, Apollinaire, Yukio Mishima, Italo Svevo, Tommaso Landolfi, Rainer Maria Rilke, Kafka, Octavio Paz, Eugenio Montale, Lorca, Nabokov, and most recently W.G. Sebald, Javier Marías, Roberto Bolaño, Inger Christensen, Uwe Timm, Yoko Tawada, Antonio Tabucchi, Bei Dao, and Victor Pelevin. And from Britain — E.M. Forster, B. S. Johnson, and H. E. Bates.
Book |
Fiction, Poetry |
English |
No |
Pro: >0.15/word |
New Issues Press New Issues Poetry & Prose, a nonprofit, university-based publisher, was established in 1996 by Editor Herbert S. Scott. New Issues publishes eight to twelve new titles each year with a focus on contemporary poetry. New Issues Poetry & Prose is the sponsor of two poetry prizes, each offering a $2,000 award and publication. The New Issues Poetry Prize is an award given to a first book of poems. New Issues also sponsors the Green Rose Prize in Poetry, an award given to a collection of poems by a poet who has previously published one or more volumes of poetry. New Issues publishes the AWP Award Winner in the novel.
Book |
Poetry, Fiction |
English |
No |
Token: <0.01/word, Contributor Copies, Unknown |
New Meridian Arts |
New Rivers Press New Rivers Press is interested in literary work of every character, but especially in diverse work that's aesthetically challenging and has a social conscience. Our Mall Voices Project competition (Sept. 15 - Nov. 1) seeks the best new literary prose and poetry from new and emerging writers. Our Electronic Book Series (July 1 – Sept. 1) seeks manuscripts in popular fiction genres. During open submissions (May), we are interested in reading the best work from writers in all stages of their careers. Founded in New York in 1968, the not-for-profit Press has now published over 330 books.
Book, eBook |
Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown, Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word |
New Verse Review |
New Vessel Press New Vessel Press, founded in New York City in 2012, is an independent publishing house specializing in the translation of foreign literature into English. Our books are available in quality paperback and ebook formats.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
New York Review Books With a worldwide circulation of more than one hundred thirty-five thousand, the New York Review of Books offers its readers a variety of featured articles, book reviews, literary commentary, and other discussions and insights about books, publishing, and the writing life.
Print Journal |
NonFiction |
English |
No |
Unknown |
New York Review Comics In the tradition of NYRB Classics, NYR Comics presents new editions of out-of-print masterpieces and new translations of books that have never been published in English—from intimate memoirs to absurdist gags, graphic novels to dizzying experiments.
Book, eBook |
Graphic Lit |
Any |
6 |
Yes |
Semi-Pro: <0.14/word |
New York Review of Books Online |
New York University Press Making common cause with the best and the brightest, the great and the good, NYU Press aspires to nothing less than the transformation of the intellectual and cultural landscape. Infused with the conviction that the ideas of the academy matter, we foster knowledge that resonates within and beyond the walls of the university.
Book, Print Journal, eBook |
NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Newfound |
Nightboat Books Nightboat Books, a nonprofit organization, seeks to develop audiences for writers whose work resists convention and transcends boundaries, by publishing books rich with poignancy, intelligence and risk.
Book |
Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word |
NOÖ Journal "We are focused on publishing across platforms, mediums and ""the universe."" Our paper books are collectible art items, not unlike Dale Earnhardt commemorative plates. Our e-books are not paper books melted onto the screen but books aware of their digital space. We also publish experimental multimedia projects: poetry videos and poetry video games. But we call them all books. We are literature with feet—for open mics and reading tours—and fingers—for online workshops and collaborative projects. But we call it all live. We are literature with a maypop for a rotor. We land on your head. Magic Helicopter titles are distributed from our website and via Small Press Distribution. We also maintain close relationships with excellent indie bookstores and ventures across the country."
Print Journal |
Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry |
English |
Yes |
Contributor Copies |
Northeastern University Press Northeastern University Press brings its distinctive strengths in the humanities and the social sciences, as well as in African-American and women's literature, and books for the broader public about Boston and New England.
Book, eBook |
NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word |
Northern Illinois University Press NIU Press, with more than 600 books currently in print, publishes scholarly and trade books on a variety of topics in the humanities and social sciences. In fulfilling its educational mission, the Press publishes books for both specialists and general readers.
Book |
NonFiction, Fiction |
English |
Yes |
Contributor Copies |
Northpoint Press Farrar, Straus and Compall was founded in 1946 by Roger W. Straus and John C. Farrar. In 1964 Robert Giroux's name was added to the roster and the compall became Farrar, Straus and Giroux. The firm is renowned for its international list of literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry and children's books. Farrar, Straus and Giroux authors have won extraordinary acclaim over the years, including numerous National Book Awards, Pulitzer Prizes, and twenty-two Nobel Prizes in literature.
Book |
NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Northwestern University Press Northwestern University Press is dedicated to publishing works of enduring scholarly and cultural value, extending the university’s mission to a community of readers throughout the world.
Book, eBook, Chapbook |
Drama, Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction |
English |
60 |
No |
Unknown |
Norvik Press
Book, eBook, Print Journal |
Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction |
English |
No |
Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word |
Numero Cinq |
NYRB Classics The NYRB Classics series is dedicated to publishing an eclectic mix of fiction and non-fiction from different eras and times and of various sorts. Literature in translation constitutes a major part of the NYRB Classics series, simply because so much great literature has been left untranslated into English, or translated poorly, or deserves to be translated again, much as any outstanding book asks to be read again.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, NonFiction |
Any |
25 |
Yes |
Semi-Pro: <0.14/word |
NYRB Poets The NYRB Poets series continues the eclectic, adventurous spirit of NYRB Classics with a focus on the most vital, various, and universal form of literature: poetry. Featuring the work of poets from around the world, classical and modern, ancient and contemporary, in elegant, pocket-size editions, it will introduce readers to the countless different shapes that poetry can assume, from simplest song to lyrical essay to visual image to scientific treatise, among much else.
Book, eBook |
Poetry |
Any |
6 |
Yes |
Semi-Pro: <0.14/word |
Oberlin College Press Oberlin College Press is a nonprofit literary press based at Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. The overall goal of the press, staffed mostly by poets who volunteer their time and student interns who wish to learn about all aspects of publishing, is to produce a periodical of high standing and notable integrity, along with books of superlative quality, with respect to design as well as literary excellence and originality. At the same time, the press strives for affordability and wide availability, keeping its publications in print and reasonably priced.
Book, Print Journal |
Poetry, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Contributor Copies |
Oberon Press During its long history Oberon has launched the careers of some of Canada’s best-known writers: writers like David Adams Richards, Wayne Johnston, W.P. Kinsella and Rohinton Mistry. We founded two influential anthologies—Best Canadian Stories and Coming Attractions—that continue today to support new and established story writers. We are one of the very few publishers with a continuing commitment to Canadian poetry. We have also published 38 works of French-Canadian fiction in translation, introducing mall of Quebec’s best writers to the rest of Canada. In 1971 we created the national restaurant guide Where to Eat in Canada, now in its 45th edition after selling more than 150,000 copies.
Book |
Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Observatory of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures in the United States |
Ohio State University Press Since 1957, it has been the mission of The Ohio State University Press to advance knowledge by disseminating scholarship in the humanities and the social sciences. The Press publishes the highest quality, peer-reviewed scholarly works through its books and journals program, promoting the work of academics throughout the world. As the publishing branch of The Ohio State University, a land-grant and state-supported institution, the Press is also dedicated to serving the university community and the citizens of Ohio through scholarly and popular works about the region’s unique history, diversity, culture, and environment.
Book, Print Journal |
Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry |
English |
Yes |
Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word |
Ohio University Press & Swallow Press Ohio University Press is the largest university press in Ohio. With more than 1,000 books in print, the Press publishes between 40 and 50 books each year by authors in the United States and around the world. Some of our books have wide appeal as university texts and regional classics, while others make available the results of peer-reviewed and often groundbreaking research in the humanities and social sciences.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Omnidawn We seek to support and expand our community of writers and readers through the work we choose to publish, which questions, in both form and content, the prevailing limits of convention. Our intent is to explore internal and external boundaries and push, with compassionate insight, the limits of risk.
Book, Chapbook |
Fiction, Poetry |
English |
No |
Unknown |
On the Seawall: A Community Gallery of New Writing & Commentary |
ONE We are pleased to announce that ONE, a new imprint of Pushkin Press, will launch with its first title in October this year! Our list will feature one exceptional fiction or non-fiction title per season, selected and edited by Elena Lappin. Drawing on her expertise as literary scout and magazine and book editor, Lappin will select the best writing by new or established authors whose extraordinary voices, talent and vision deserve a wide readership and media focus.
Book |
Fiction, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Pro: >0.15/word |
Ooligan Press We seek to publish regionally significant works of literary, historical, and social value. We define the Pacific Northwest as Northern California, Oregon, Idaho, Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska. We recognize the importance of diversity, particularly within the publishing industry, and are committed to building a literary community that includes traditionally underrepresented voices; therefore, we are interested in works originating from, or focusing on, marginalized communities of the Pacific Northwest.
Book |
Poetry, Fiction, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Open Letter Open Letter—the University of Rochester's nonprofit, literary translation press—is one of only a handful of publishing houses dedicated to increasing access to world literature for English readers. Publishing ten titles in translation each year and running an online literary website called Three Percent, Open Letter searches for works that are extraordinary and influential, works that we hope will become the classics of tomorrow.
Book |
Fiction, Poetry |
English |
10 |
Yes |
Unknown, Contributor Copies |
OR Books OR Books is a new type of publishing compall. It embraces progressive change in politics, culture and the way we do business.
Our list is highly selective: we publish just one or two books a month, combining established authors with new discoveries.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, NonFiction |
English |
No |
Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word, Pro: >0.15/word |
Orbis Books Welcome to Orbis Books, leaders in religious publishing since 1970. We offer a wide range of books on prayer, spirituality, Catholic life, theology, mission and current affairs. The publishing arm of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, Orbis Books addresses a broad readership exploring the global dimensions of faith, inviting dialogue with diverse cultures and traditions, and serving the cause of reconciliation and peace.
Book, eBook |
NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Orca Book Publishers |
Origins |
Orion Magazine |
Orison Books Orison Books seeks to publish spiritually-engaged poetry, fiction, and non-fiction of exceptional literary merit. In our view, spiritual writing has little to do with subject matter. Rather, the kind of work we seek to publish has a transcendent aesthetic effect on the reader, and reading it can itself be a spiritual experience. Such work is not merely about spiritual contemplation, but itself leads the reader into profound contemplation. It is not merely about the sublime, but itself has a sublime effect on the reader. It is not merely about the mystery of being, but itself heightens the reader’s sense of the mystery underlying the fabric of our daily lives.
Book, eBook |
Poetry, Fiction |
English |
Yes |
Token: <0.01/word, Contributor Copies, Unknown |
Other Press Other Press attracts authors who are guided by a passion to discover the limits of knowledge and imagination. We publish novels, short stories, poetry, and essays from America and around the world that represent literature at its best. Our nonfiction books–should they be history, current events, popular culture or memoir–explore how psychic, cultural, historical, and literary shifts inform our vision of the world and of each other.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction |
English |
No |
Unknown |
Otis Lab Press Otis Laboratory Press is a fully functioning letterpress studio with four Vandercook proof presses and over 200 fonts. Established in 1984 by Sheila de Bretteville as part of the Communication Arts Department, the LabPress has a rich history of small edition book publishing, introducing generations of students to the origins of typography and the notion of the book as a visual communications medium. Conceived as a laboratory for aesthetic exploration and a place for practical production, the LabPress is an integral part of the graphic design curriculum. It provides a key link between traditional tools and digital media. Students actively participate and produce award-winning books that have become a permanent part of rare book collections throughout Southern California. - See more at:
Book |
Poetry, Fiction |
No |
None |
Otoliths We'd love to know more about your press. Please type (or copy & paste) your mission statement here.
Outpost19 Books Provocative reading. Literary, engaged, independent, forward-leaning. Exceptional fiction. Unexpected essays. Voices to be reckoned with... Our fiction belongs to a broad range of traditions. Our non-fiction explores the different ways we engage our culture and ourselves.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word |
Overlook The Overlook Press is an independent general-interest publisher, founded in 1971. The publishing program consists of approximately 100 new books per year, roughly divided between hardcovers and trade paperbacks. The list is eclectic, with areas of strength in fiction, history, biography, drama, design, and other visual media.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction, Drama |
English |
No |
Unknown |
Ox and Pigeon Ox and Pigeon is a digital publisher founded by three friends in September 2010 over a round pisco sours in Lima, Peru. Our goal is to use the accessibility and convenience of electronic publishing to share the work of great authors from around the world and provide a worthwhile complement to traditional books and journals.
eBook |
Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Oxford University Press At OUP, we believe in the power of the written word and the scholarship that stands behind it. Everything we publish relates directly to our mission: to support Oxford University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education. As a press, we take pride in this mission, which allows us to enable, support, and facilitate research and scholarship.
Book, Print Journal, eBook |
NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Pro: >0.15/word, Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word |
Oxybia éditions |
P. R. A. Publishing We are interested in working with translators, foreign based and US authors.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, Poetry |
English |
Yes |
Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word |
Palisade Press |
Pantheon In 1961, Bennett Cerf bought Pantheon and it became a part of Random House. Today, Pantheon is part of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group and continues to publish world-class literature. Pantheon’s authors include Julia Glass, James Gleick, Ha Jin, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Alexander McCall Smith, Marjane Satrapi, Art Spiegelman, and Studs Terkel.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction |
English |
No |
Unknown |
Paragon House Publishers Paragon Book Reprint Corp. was incorporated in 1963 in New York City with an emphasis on reprinting books in Asian philosophy. In 1981, the International Cultural Foundation purchased the compall and expanded it to a mid-size publishing house to support religious scholars, philosophers, social theorists, and scientists writing on issues affecting contemporary life, and began doing business as Paragon House. In 1996, the main office moved to St. Paul, Minnesota. In 2006, ownership was transferred to Professors World Peace Academy.
Book, eBook |
NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Parallel Editions |
Parlor Press We are especially interested in collections that use language to dramatize a singular vision of experience, a mastery of craft, a deep knowledge of poetic tradition, and a willingness to take risks. The series is oriented toward free verse, but we will happily consider other forms.
Book, eBook |
Poetry, Fiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Passeggiata Press n/a
Paul Dry Books At Paul Dry Books, our aim is to publish lively books "to awaken, delight, and educate"—and to spark conversation. We publish fiction, both novels and short stories, and nonfiction—biography, memoirs, history, and essays, covering subjects from Homer to Chekhov, bird watching to jazz music, New York City to shogunate Japan.
Book |
Fiction, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Paulist Press Striving to stand at the intersection of faith and culture, Paulist Press is committed to publishing quality materials that: bring the good news of the Gospel to Catholics and people of other religious traditions; support dialogue and welcome good scholarship and religious wisdom from all sources across denominational boundaries; foster religious values and wholeness in society, especially through materials promoting healing, reconciliation, and personal growth.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word |
Paycock Press Gargoyle/Paycock Press has always been a scallywag magazine, a maverick magazine, a bit too academic for the underground and way too underground for the academics.
Book, eBook |
Poetry, Fiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Peacock Journal |
Pecan Grove Press The press publishes books and chapbooks of fine poetry and, very rarely, short works of prose. PGP also publishes a regular chapbook series for students at St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas.
Book, Chapbook |
Poetry, Fiction |
English |
Yes |
None |
Peepal Tree Press |
Pegasus Pegasus Books is an independent publisher of a diverse catalog of works including history, philosophy, biography and memoir, literary fiction, and noir titles. Pegasus strives to reach readers nationwide who share its conviction that good literature is essential to the health of our cultural life.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word, Semi-Pro: <0.14/word, Pro: >0.15/word |
Peirene Press Peirene specializes in contemporary European novellas in English translation. All our books are best-sellers and/or award winners in their own countries. We only publish books of less than 200 pages that can be read in the same time it takes to watch a DVD.
Book |
Fiction |
English |
No |
Unknown |
Pella Publishing Compall, Inc. Since 1974, Pella has been committed to the presentation of scholarly works in the field of Greek studies, publishing in the areas of history, sociology, political science, criticism and commentary. Equally important has been our mission to bring the best of modern Greek literature to an English-reading audience, and to nurture contemporary Greek American and American writers, artists, and poets.
Book |
Fiction, NonFiction, Drama |
English |
Yes |
Unknown, Contributor Copies |
PEN American Center The PEN America Translation Committee advocates on behalf of literary translators, working to foster a wider understanding of their art and offering professional resources for translators, publishers, critics, bloggers, and others with an interest in international literature. The committee is currently co-chaired by Mary Ann Newman and Tess Lewis. Contact us at translationcommittee at
No |
Pen and Anvil Press Pen & Anvil Press is a not-for-profit literary publishing house based in Boston and affiliated with its parent organization, the Boston Poetry Union.
Book |
Fiction, Poetry |
English |
No |
None |
Penguin Books UK Penguin Books: home of the world’s most respected collection of classic literature, as well as world-beaters, egg-beaters, smart thinkers and wimpy kids.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction |
English |
No |
Pro: >0.15/word |
Penguin Books USA Penguin Group (USA) Inc. is the U.S. member of the internationally renowned Penguin Group. Penguin Group (USA) is one of the leading U.S. adult and children's trade book publishers, owning a wide range of imprints and trademarks, including Viking, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, The Penguin Press, Riverhead Books, Dutton, Penguin Books, Berkley Books, Gotham Books, Portfolio, New American Library, Plume, Tarcher, Philomel, Grosset & Dunlap, Puffin, and Frederick Warne, among others. The Penguin Group ( is part of Penguin Random House.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction |
English |
No |
Pro: >0.15/word |
Penn State University Press Penn State Press is dedicated to publishing books and journals of the highest quality with an emphasis on the humanities and social sciences.
Book, Print Journal |
NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Persea Books The aim of the press is to publish works that endure by meeting high standards of literary merit and relevance. We have often taken on important books other publishers have overlooked, or have made significant discoveries and rediscoveries, whether of a single work or writer's entire oeuvre. Our books cover a wide range of themes, styles, and genres. We have published poetry, fiction, essays, memoir, biography, titles of Jewish and Middle Eastern interest, women's studies, American Indian folklore, and revived classics, as well as a notable selection of works in translation.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, NonFiction, Poetry |
English |
Yes |
Unknown, Contributor Copies, Token: <0.01/word |
Peter Lang Publishing The Peter Lang Publishing Group is based in Switzerland with publishing offices located around the world.
Book, eBook |
NonFiction |
English, French, German |
Yes |
Unknown |
Phoneme Media Phoneme Media is a nonprofit publishing and film production house, fiscally sponsored by PEN Center USA, committed to discovering international writers, translators, and artists, and connecting them to new audiences around the world.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, Poetry |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Picador What defines a Picador book is the author’s voice: we believe the way the story is told is just as important as the story itself, and this is the case for all our fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We publish writers from all over the world, bringing international authors to an EngIish-Ianguage readership and providing a platform for voices that are often not heard. We publish a list that includes literary fiction; new, relevant and challenging fiction; narrative non-fiction; authoritative, cultural non-fiction; and the best contemporary poetry; as well as a number of uncategorizable books that will surprise you. We also aim to make beautiful books, from exciting and original first publications to clean, elegantly designed commercial paperbacks. But we are also always looking at new ways to publish including digital first strategies, creatively enhanced ebooks and innovative apps.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, NonFiction |
English |
No |
Pro: >0.15/word |
Plamen Press Our goal as a small press is to take advantage of new developments in
publishing to increase the volume of quality English translations of poetry
and prose originating from Central, Eastern, and Southeastern regions of
Poetry, Fiction, Essay |
Pleasure Boat Studio: a Literary Press PLEASURE BOAT STUDIO: A LITERARY PRESS has a simple and straightforward philosophy: We want to publish the best books we can find - fiction, poetry, and non-fiction - books that we love and that fit our interests. We don’t do children’s books or hard-core pornography or wild science fiction. Not likely to do one of those political or legal thrillers, either. But we really do try to keep an open mind. We like quirky books and non-traditional books and unusual books. And we really like authors who will WORK to sell their books
Book, eBook, Chapbook |
Fiction, Poetry, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
Pleiades |
Plough |
Plume Poetry Journal |
Online Journal |
PM Press PM Press was founded at the end of 2007 by a small collection of folks with decades of publishing, media, and organizing experience. PM Press co-conspirators have published and distributed hundreds of books, pamphlets, CDs, and DVDs. Members of PM have founded enduring book fairs, spearheaded victorious tenant organizing campaigns, and worked closely with bookstores, academic conferences, and even rock bands to deliver political and challenging ideas to all walks of life. We’re old enough to know what we’re doing and young enough to know what’s at stake.
Book, eBook |
Fiction, NonFiction |
English |
Yes |
Unknown |
PN Review |
Poet Lore |
Poetry Foundation |
Poetry International |
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana La Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana depende de la Vicerrectoría Académica y su labor se encamina a realizar todas las labores editoriales y de publicación de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Desde los años noventa cuenta con una plantilla de funcionarios especializados en la realización de proyectos editoriales (libros de investigación, libros institucionales, revistas académicas y libros de texto), en las labores de distribución, visibilización y en las tareas de comercialización de los mismos. Su sede se encuentra en el edificio Lutaima, en pleno corazón de la zona internacional de Bogotá (Cr 7 N 37-25, oficina 1301)
Book, Print Journal |
NonFiction |
Spanish |
Yes |
Unknown |