

In the Illuminated Dark: Selected Poems of Tuvia Ruebner by Tuvia Ruebner, translated from the Hebrew by Rachel Tzvia Back (University of Pittsburgh Press/Hebrew Union College Press)

Joyce Zonana headshot 1Joyce Zonana is a reader, writer, teacher, and now a fledgling literary translator. She has been drawn to translation since her childhood growing up in a French-and-Arabic-and English-speaking Middle Eastern immigrant family.

International Conference: Transfiction 3 The Fictions of Translation May 27-29, 2015 Concordia University, in Montreal, Canada Conference Theme This conference is a follow-up to the first Transfiction conference on “Fictional Translators” (Vienna 2011) and its sequel, Beyond Transfiction, on “Translators … Continue reading

MLA Call For Papers: Translation and Transcultural Audiences
